Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hosting a Felt Party

What do you get when you host a felt party? Well, not only do you get to have a great time fellowshipping with your friends and family, you can also earn free felt and qualify for some great hostess sets. 

November's Hostess Exclusive felt set is:

9706—The Colors of Thanksgiving—Free when party reaches $300 and has 3 bookings 

Please enjoy this excerpt from the story:



The Colors of Thanksgiving

Written by Rachelle J. Christensen



            Becky Beetle didn’t know her colors and she didn’t want to learn them. The only color she knew was brown, the color of her hard shell. Some of the other bugs had bright colors but she didn’t know what they were called.

            The weather was getting colder outside and most of the bright flowers and leaves had disappeared as Thanksgiving drew nearer. Becky saw that the meadow where she lived was starting to look just as brown and boring as her shell.

For December the Bugs will be celebrating the 12 days of Christmas

9708— Bugs/12 Days of Christmas —Free when party reaches $300 and have 3 bookings

Please enjoy this excerpt from the story:

The Bugs Count the 12 Days of Christmas at Bug Meadow

Written by Rachelle J. Christensen

December had come to Bug Meadow and the bugs scurried inside the warm greenhouse to keep out of the snow.

All of them had gathered to prepare for Christmas. Many of the bugs didn’t know what they could give as a gift. Others were more worried about what they would get.

          Dragonfly especially wanted this to be a great Christmas for his mom and dad. “I want to give them a special gift, but I can’t think of anything,” he told his friend, Katydid.

(picture not available at this time)

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